Friday, March 10, 2023

Self Care for Artists

Yesterday, as I was cleaning up my room, I came across a journal I had written in years ago.  In it, was my extensive list of self-care ideas, and I thought I would share then with you, just in case they might be helpful for you too. These are ideas to take care of yourself physically and emotionally, and to help lift your spirit.  And many of them are also helpful for breaking through a creative block.

Here we go...

1. Start your day with plenty of time for yourself.  Lots of spaciousness. A slow morning.  This is very nurturing, not starting your day rushed or stressed.

2. Take a break while you are working.  15 minutes every two or three hours.  Especially if the art form you are doing is physically taxing.

3. Drink your favorite warm beverage, coffee, tea, a latte. I find this very nurturing.  

4. Take yourself out for coffee, lunch, a snack.  I like going out for coffee with a good book, my iPad, or a journal to write in.  

5. If you are feeling down, call a supportive friend or family member.  Or Zoom or Face Time them. 

6. Get out an take a walk, ride a bike, roller skate, jog, swim.  You get the idea.  Anything that will move your body and get those endorphins moving.

7. Get out in nature.  Walk in the woods, on the beach, in the park, etc.  I find this helps me tremendously.

8. Write in a journal.  Get out all your thoughts and feelings in a safe place.  You do not need to share this with anyone.  

9. Start a gratitude journal.

10. Eat healthy, nourishing foods.  

11. Try cooking something new.

12.  Read about new hobbies, interests, things you want to learn about to inspire you.

13. Read inspiring, motivational, spiritual books, or listen to audiobooks or podcasts.

14. Watch inspirational videos, movies, TV shows.

15. Take a bath, hot tub, or shower.  Warm water feels so soothing and healing.

16.  Meditate, either with a a guided meditation, or in silence.  

17. Try a new art form.  

18.  Make art just for you.  Don't worry about showing it to an audience.  

19. Play a musical instrument.

20. Dance to your favorite music.

21. Sing.  This is one of my personal favorites.  Always helps lift my spirits.

22. Listen to your favorite music.

23. Repeat positive affirmations.

24. Plant a garden, inside or out.

25. Read a book in your favorite genre.

26. Decorate your home, office or studio space.

27.  Get a facial or give yourself one.

28.  Get a massage.  Or use a massage tool on yourself. This is something I recently discovered.  15 minutes and I am feeling better.

29. Get a manicure and/or pedicure.  Or give yourself one. 

30.  Get a haircut.

31. Dress up.  Even if no one else will see you but yourself or your family,  Put on some jewelry, some makeup.  Feel good about yourself.

32. Get out in the sun.  You know, vitamin D.  Good for you physically and emotionally.

33. Play a game.

34. Surround yourself with positive people who are your cheer leaders. People who believe in you, and your dream.  Let go of toxic, unsupportive people.

35. Have a glass of wine, or your favorite drink at the end of the day. Share it with a friend. 

36. If you believe in a higher power, pray.  Ask for help.  Listen for the answer.

37. Spend time with a pet. They help keep us in the present moment.  And petting one helps reduce stress.  

38. See a counselor, priest, or spiritual advisor.  Sometimes talking to someone who is not a family member or friend, who is totally neutral, is the best person to talk to and get advice from.

39. Go to an art store.  One of my favorites.  I feel like a kid in a candy store when I visit one. And I get inspired.

40. Go to places that will inspire you: museum, galleries, the zoo, an aquarium, the library, a bookstore.

41. Go to a movie or the theatre.

42. Try a new restaurant.  Yum!  Eat something you have never eaten before.

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